पानीमा हुने दुर्घटनाबाट जोगिन गम्भीर सचेतना र पूर्वसतर्कता आवश्यक :योञ्जन
अष्ट्रेलियाको भिक्टोरिया राज्यका लागि नेपाली अवैतनिक महावाणिज्यदूत चन्द्र योञ्जनले पछिल्लो समयमा पानीमा हुने दुर्घटनाका कारण नेपालीले ज्यान गुमाएकोमा गम्भीर चिन्ता व्यक्त गर्नुभएको छ । महावाणिज्यदुतको कार्यालयको तर्फबाट एक विज्ञप्ति प्रकाशित गर्दै योञ्जनले गत आइतबार भिक्टोरियाको फिलिप टापुमा भएको दुर्घटनामा २७ वर्षीय नेपाली युवाले ज्यानु गुमाउनु र त्यसअघि लगातारजस्तो विभिन्न समयमा न्यूसाउथवेल्स, क्वीन्सल्याण्ड र न्यूजिल्याण्डमा गरी नेपालीहरुले ज्यान गुमाएका घटनाले पानीमा अपनाउनुपर्ने सावधानीमा विशेष ध्यान दिनुपर्ने आवश्यता आइपरेको बताउनुभएको छ । यसअघिका तीनवटै घटना डिसेम्बर महिनाभित्रै भएका थिए । समूदायलाई समुद्रमा जाँदा अपनाउनुपर्ने पूर्वसतर्कताको विषयमा अझै बढी जानकारी दिनुपर्ने आवश्यकता आएको पनि विज्ञप्तिमा लेखिएको छ । यसैगरी महावाणिज्यदूत योञ्जनले जारी गर्नुभएको विज्ञप्तिमा सतर्कताका बुँदाहरु पनि प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ । जस अनुसार तोकिएको स्थान र लाईफगार्डहरुको सुपरिवेक्षणबाहेकका क्षेत्रमा पौडी नखेल्ने, खतराका सूचक झण्डाहरु र लाईफगार्डले दिएका निर्देशकहरुलाई पालना गर्ने, अनुगमन गरिएको समय बाहेक अन्य समयमा पौडी नखेल्ने, पानीमा जाँदा मद्यपान आदि नगर्ने, पानीमा गएर सेल्फी लिने, फोटो खिच्ने आदि काम नगर्ने लगायतका सुझाव दिइएको छ । यसैगरी विज्ञप्तिमा समुद्री तटमा राखिएका सूचक बोर्डहरुको पालना गर्ने, छालहरुबाट सावधान रहने र पौडी खेल्नुअघि लाईफ गार्डहरुसँग त्यहाँको छालका विषयमा जानकारी लिने, छालमा परिहालेको अवस्थामा पनि अत्तालिने काम नगर्ने, शान्त रहेर सकेसम्म छिटो सहयोगको प्राप्त गर्नका लागि संकेत गर्ने, छालसँगै बग्न कोसिस गर्ने ताकि यसले किनारामा फर्काइदेओस्, समुद्री तटमा रहेको बेला सुरक्षाका संकेतहरुलाई ध्यान दिने र सही सूचना लिने प्रयास गर्ने आदि रहेका छन् । पानीमा जाँदा निश्चित पूर्वसतर्कता अपनाउन सक्ने हो भने पनि दुर्घटनाको समाचार बन्ने खतराबाट बच्न सकिने अवस्था रहेको छ । तर, सानातिना कमजोरीले गर्दा नेपाली समूदायका सदस्यहरुको पछिल्लो समयमा दुर्घटनामा पर्ने क्रम बढ्दै गएकोमा विज्ञप्तिमा चिन्ता व्यक्त गर्दै अझै बढी पूर्वसतर्कताको लागि आह्वान पनि गरिएको छ ।
विज्ञप्ति यस्तो छ :
There has been several cases of tragic drowning incidents recently within the Nepalese community in Australia.
A Nepalese man living in Victoria lost his life in the Alfred hospital, Melbourne after being rescued from drowning in Woolamai beach in Phillip Island on Sunday, 10th January 2016. This accident occurred when a group of friends, including the deceased himself, were on an evening trip to the Phillip Island beach. Four of them along with the deceased were standing knee-deep in water when suddenly a rip current swept them into the sea. A total of 17 off-duty lifeguards and lifesavers assisted in the rescue; sadly, two people lost their lives in the hospital- one of them was a 27 year old Nepalese man.
In 2015 December, three members from Nepalese community in Australia and New Zealand lost their life in sea during this summer- one in NSW, another in Queensland and the another one in New Zealand.
These tragic incidents show that we need to provide more information and awareness about drowning and water safety when swimming in pools, beaches or deep water in sea so that people can go into water safely without risking their life.
Following recent drowning tragedies, the Honorary Consul Mr Chandra Yonzon expressed his deepest sympathy and condolences to the friends and family of the deceased. He said ‘before going for swimming, people should have basic skills about how to swim and well-informed about the risk of drowning and preventing it’. He added ‘we urge everyone to take extreme precautions while swimming in the sea or any deep water’.
Consulate of Nepal in Victoria requests the Nepalese community to follow the safety guidelines issued by organisations like Life Saving Victoria or BeachSafe, which is extremely important for individuals own safety; and also circulate this information to their friends and family. This safety information will enable you to be prepared and enjoy your holiday at the beach and prevent any unwarranted tragedies.
We have summarised some key safety information for the benefit of everyone in the community. We humbly request everyone to take caution and stay safe in water. Visit http://www.beachsafe.org.au/surf-ed/lifeguards-top-tips or the Life Saving Victoria for more details.
· Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards
· Obey all hazard flags and directions from lifeguards · Do not to swim outside patrolled hours · Avoid alcohol and do not swim if in an inebriated condition · Not to be obsessive with selfies, mobile phones and cameras while in the water or while swimming · To keep a lookout for signs on the beach which provide safety information · Beware of rip currents: Ask a lifeguard if there are rip currents at your swimming location · Do not panic if caught in a rip, try to stay calm, conserve your energy and call out to seek help · To try to float with the current as it may return you to a shallow sandbank · Look out for safety signs and pay attention to the information while at the beach |